Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'm learning that as a Christian, our country is going down quickly...but subtly. If we don't stand up for things like this to start with, we're not going to know what hit us.

California is passing laws to change school books to be more "inclusive" and that if you don't support these "inclusions", you won't be able to rent public buildings - i.e. churches using schools. The dollar coin now out doesn't include In God We Trust. I can't imagine raising my kids in that, let alone what they are already going to have to deal with.

If we stand for our Christian beliefs, we're considered "non-inclusive" or discriminating...but this is Biblical to stand up...think of Moses when he came down from the mount and saw all that the people were doing...God doesn't stand for these things and neither should we.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I read that very same article. It is disturbing. And yes, Christianity is now socially taboo. I see it in schools so much. Very sad. I had one girl in class make disparaging remarks about christians to me. I asked her if she disliked all christians. She said no, she thought the "hard-core" christians were funny. I'm wondering, if we're not "hard-core", are we really christians at all? Perhaps it's too much of this lukewarm Christianity that's gotten us into all this trouble.